Daily Lovescope

Daily Lovescopes are up ! Wishing everyone a beautiful day – S



Love Horoscopes – October 30, 2013


from – http://dailylovescopes.com

Aries: For some of you, this period of time may be slightly confusing and a bit discouraging. You may endure some a few misunderstandings and a little running around in circles. This might be an ideal time to keep interactions with your loved ones to minimum in case they are enduring the same haze. Do not be surprised that certain past experiences creep up in your mind over the next few days. The emotions they bring back may cause you to feel as if you owe someone close to you and assume a few unnecessary responsibilities. Make no doubt that you are doing this as much for you and your conscious as well as helping this person out. There may come a time later that this person returns the favor. Cut everyone including yourself some slack today.

Taurus: Use…

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About sonny

Musician, Hypnotist, & Professional Cool Guy He is affectionately known as The Love Hypnotist for his work Mending Broken Hearts & helping people Find True Love. www.thesunnyside.net www.thesunnysidemusic.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwnRTQpNNhFE4MS359n4u_w
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